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Gatac 11-05-2006 06:57 AM

The show does have a very charming way of digging its characters out of the holes it puts them in. By my count, Apollo and Starbuck are back on a mission and ready to ride. Tigh's not looking so good, but it's been pretty clear for some time now that he needs serious help.


JVTruman 11-05-2006 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium (Post 70610)
There's not even the *occasional* joke. Or even half a joke.

I don't know. When they had the episode with the Cylon viewpoint, I found it rather amusing that Six had Baltar in her head.

Additionally, they have a few amusing little things, like the 'NO STEP' under the Viper's cockpit. I don't know why, but I think seeing a standard modern safety warning on a ship made by people who have never even been to Earth is a bit funny.

ijdgaf 11-05-2006 07:47 PM

Jeez, how could I forget Baltar? The guy's hillarious.

Gatac 11-07-2006 05:26 PM

It's a hard knock life.


mudshark 11-07-2006 05:49 PM

Heh. Haven't seen that one for a while.

Burt 07-10-2007 07:48 AM

Ok, I've finally brought all the seriesisisis? on DVD, including the mini series, and sat and watched them all. Well, up to the end of series one anyway. The mini series was pretty good. Some nice moral dilemmas.
Of the main lot, I really enjoyed '33'. Made me feel right on edge. That is some good telly.
One question... in the room where the Viper pilots are given orders, when they ever walk in to or out of the room, they all touch a picture on the wall. Is that something important? Is there a story behind it? I know about in real life how aircraft flight crews have certain lucky charms....and things they do before/after flights. This the same?

ijdgaf 07-11-2007 07:07 AM

It's apparently a picture of a guy on his knees seeing the devestation from the attack on Caprica (or maybe some other colony). Sort of a never-forget picture for the colonials to rally around.

Chancellor Valium 07-11-2007 06:05 PM

...Could I just say that I found the middle episodes of series three fairly dull?

ijdgaf 07-12-2007 04:24 AM

Happened two seasons in a row, really. What everyone has been calling filler episodes. Which they are. From everything I've heard though, it's pretty much a network mandate. Sci Fi has been worried (perhaps with some merrit) about such a serialized show not being able to pick up new audience members. So a certain number of episodes have been required to be self contained and non-plot advancing. And they generally turn out pretty dull. Which, IMO, does more to alienate the viewership than Sci Fi's worries.

It's worth noting though, Season Four shouldn't have anything like that. They've said repeatedly that since there's no pressure to get the ratings for another season, there's no reason the season can't be one long 20 (22?) episode arc.

Hopefully it'll eliminate the sagging.

Burt 07-15-2007 10:00 PM

Deeply, Deeply in love with Battle Star Galactica! On to series two now. God thats good telly. Between that and Charmed (I just got into it, it isn't half bad) I may just make it till something good starts up again. House...Scrubs... I'm looking at you.

Nate the Great 07-15-2007 11:07 PM

Oh, another Scrubs fan! More power to ya, dude.

They're still making Charmed?

ijdgaf 07-16-2007 05:21 AM

The three best sitcoms of recent memory: The Office, Scrubs, Arrested Development.

Burt 07-16-2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 74156)
Oh, another Scrubs fan! More power to ya, dude.

They're still making Charmed?

No I believe it finished... Last year? Or something. However it was one of those programs I missed out on (Not my fault. It was back in the 'Dark' days, when only the honored few could get Channel 5), so I'm working my way though it now. Series 2 and counting!

Scrubs is one the few shows I can laugh so hard at, that sometimes it gets hard to breath. 'Floating Head Doctor' Battering Elliot to death on doorframes while running with her was one of those moments.

Another is Bottom. The Chess Episode. Bloody brilliant.

Nate the Great 07-16-2007 12:49 PM

It'll be interesting to see where they can go with the plot from here. I'll have to admit that I thought that they were perching perilously close to Jump the Shark territory with THREE pregnancies at once. What was THAT about?

"Medical and Surgery interns are sort of like rival gangs. Not real gangs, but those cheesy gangs you see in musicals." :)

Burt 07-20-2007 05:53 PM

Battle Star Galactica: How the hell can one show be so good? I'm at Pegasus, and it was just fantastic. How does the show go from here? Better or worse?

Chancellor Valium 07-21-2007 12:28 AM

I'm sure there's a joke to be made about BSG being like an old mattress, that while initially comfortable, you roll over and find it sags in the middle...

Burt 07-21-2007 09:38 PM

I'm a sucker for the old mattress.
Hey! Thats not fair, you can't not like an episode and a certain bit of that episode, then use an image from it, Chancellor!

Chancellor Valium 07-22-2007 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Burt (Post 74203)
I'm a sucker for the old mattress.
Hey! Thats not fair, you can't not like an episode and a certain bit of that episode, then use an image from it, Chancellor!


Burt 07-22-2007 02:35 AM

Your little picture. It's from 'The Sound of Drums' where the doctor was talking about the timelords? And if I remember correctly, you didn't like that episode! And you didn't like the idea of the Timlord being outside...
But, if we didn't have that episode, then we wouldn't have that fantastic shot of the timelord standing outside.

ijdgaf 07-22-2007 04:16 PM

The latter half of Season Two is a bit dissappointing. Fortunately, the First part of Season Three is pretty much the best the series has ever been since the miniseries. And the last part of Season Three is close (the middle part... not as great, alas)

Chancellor Valium 07-22-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Burt (Post 74215)
Your little picture. It's from 'The Sound of Drums' where the doctor was talking about the timelords? And if I remember correctly, you didn't like that episode! And you didn't like the idea of the Timlord being outside...
But, if we didn't have that episode, then we wouldn't have that fantastic shot of the timelord standing outside.

So, he described the Time Lords as an old mattress, and I described BSG as an old mattress?

I fail to see any necessary connection.

Burt 09-09-2007 07:07 PM

Ok, I just watched "Exodus". (Yeah I know, bit behind.) I though it was very good. I liked how the show worked on the planet so well. Some shows, like Trek, aren't usually that great on planets. Anyway though, the battle at the end, I feel was a bit stupid. I mean... why would you destroy a better and more powerful ship to keep an old bucket? I know that they said Lee would have evacuated most of his crew and Adamas wasn't ready... but still! Worst battle plan EVER! I'm surprised Adama didn't slap Lee silly when they met up again. He just lost one of two last remaining ever Battlestars! And the better one at that! But, yeah yeah, I know, the writers wanted to return it to a one ship show, and not even the power of a BS can overcome the writers.
I did like the... kind of theme at the end - Loss. Lee had lost the Pegasus. Kira a child. Tigh a wife. Gatia his... moral code? Laura lost Hera.... Bout the only happy one was Adama!

Liked it though. Enjoying this series.

Quinalla 10-29-2007 08:41 PM

I too really enjoy BSG, even the bad episodes (and they are there for sure) I still enjoy seeing all the characters I love and love to hate. I agree that all the Trek-bashing and "the show can do no wrong" attitude that some of the fans have is silly, but it doesn't prevent me from enjoying the show. But yeah, I am always leery of bandwagon things, hence why I waited so long to read Ender's game (good), Harry Potter (good), The DaVinci Code (bleh) and watch Lost (meh). And sure, it is a dark show, but I like to have a dark show to watch at times. I don't try and argue if a show is ground breaking or whatever, I haven't seen enough TV to argue that, but I know a couple of the best episodes IMO really hit me hard emotionally. Also, I do think the cast is pretty good which doesn't hurt them at all. They made some of the badly written episodes into something halfway decent :)

As for TOS, it did use the universe to tell the stories it wanted to tell, hence why it seems so black and white. NG has its faults, but c'mon, it has Picard and Data and Worf. Sure, they still told some moral stories, but they started to say "Hey, we have this cool universe, let's play!" DS9 is still my favorite Trek series as it had such cool political, religious, etc. stories to tell. I think often because it took some risks, it had some really great episodes and the few terrible ones, but overall, I loved that show. I watched all of Voyager and I liked the show fine but was disappointed as I felt it had the potential to be more, but Jim's Reviews did make me kinda fall in love a bit :) I watched the 1st season and some of the 2nd season of Enterprise, but I just never really got into the show. Someday I would like to watch it all though as I have heard good things about it from people I tend to agree with.

ijdgaf 10-30-2007 06:36 AM

I dunno, I still have trouble calling anything a "bad episode" per say. That's not to say the show doesn't have variable quality. But there's only really one hour of the show I'd say that borders on unwatchability ("Tigh Me Up, Tigh me Down"). Unwatchability, or at least a feeling of embarassment at watching something, is my big indicator that an episode is bad.

When the show dips in the second and third seasons (and mostly the second), I think the better adjective is "disappointing".

ijdgaf 12-10-2007 09:35 PM

So Razor had some good, some bad, some corny, and overall I'd say it was a missed opportunity.

Yet there were some kick-ass effects and Cain stole every scene she was in, so not a complete loss.

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