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Ginga 03-15-2005 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by NeoMatrix
I wonder how the Borg would handle the Dark Side


"Death Stars are futile. They will be assimilated."

NeoMatrix 03-15-2005 06:05 AM

*Sees images of Borg with light sabres*

admiral sab 03-15-2005 04:49 PM

All right here's another confession for you: I love Lucky Charms. It's my favorite cereal. ;)

I have never seen an episode of Farscape, Stargate (SG1 or Atl), BSG, Babylon 5, or Dune. Dr. Who? ;) I think I might want to see Farscape though because I'm told it's good. So when folks reference it, I have NO clue what they are talking about.

I used to be scared of the X Files.

I really want to go to Vegas just so I can see the Trek Experience and know if it's cool or not for myself.

I hate Kirk. Wait I think I've already said that. Oh well I do.

Ginga 03-16-2005 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by admiral sab
I used to be scared of the X Files.

Oh, I'm with you there. Actually, it wasn't so much that I was scared of them... since I watched it religiously (I was only in 2nd grade or so, holy cow.), but it did give me nightmares.

Here, I got an X-Files confession for you:

I wondered for many many years why Mulder and Scully rarely smiled. It made me sad. :P

Hotaru 03-16-2005 05:21 AM

I was scared of the X-Files too! Then I started watching it, it's not so scary.

Opium 03-16-2005 08:24 AM

I was about 10 or 11 when I saw my first X-Files. By 12, though, I thought it was nifty.

I use the word nifty.

I'm not that huge a sci-fi fan outside of DS9, X-Files, Outer Limits, TNG, and Buffy...and of course, Harry Potter. And Matrix. But as for hard-core ones...I'm not into it, although I have nothing against them. I just like more plot/relationship-based shows.

I am starting to like Abby/New Guy.

I watched DAYS today, and still found it fun...AND had to admit the plot had moved on a bit from the last time I watched!

I'm not sure whether I have a friend crush or a romantic crush on this guy I know.

admiral sab 03-16-2005 01:42 PM

I haven't watched Days in awhile, but I did decide to watch yesterday because I wanted to see Sami as a guy (it's really a guy who's playing the part while the actress who plays Sami is on maternity leave). He did a great job playing Sami as a guy. Hmmm I was impressed. He even did her eyebrow lift. ;)

ok back to confessions: I am also not a big sci fi person. I like Trek and the X Files. But that's about it. I'm more into the relationship/plot stuff too.

MaverickZer0 03-17-2005 12:28 AM

Um, anything else from me? I guess...

I have about ten different colored scarves, two of which are different shades of yellow.

I have a helmet. Very few people will understand the last two.

Fire Emblem currently owns my soul.

I do not actually remember my original hair color. I said I did once in the chat, but I was kind of lying.

Ginga 03-17-2005 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
Fire Emblem currently owns my soul.

Maaaaaaarth! XD

Katy Jane 03-18-2005 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga
The Gateways Voyager conclusion sucked so bad, I feel like writing my OWN conclusion.

I payed 7 dollars for a book which had about 20 pages on Voyager! DX

I sat and read that at borders, afterwards i was very glad i didn't bother actually buying it. :twisted:

I have never and likely will never watch Buffy or Angel

I convinced my brother to go to Nemesis in theaters with me by telling him that Janeway was going to be in it.

at the age of 18 i had never watched anything science fiction aside from 2 or 3 voyager episodes.

I rather like the SW prequels (though they aren’t as good as the originals)
as the originals)

Xeroc 03-19-2005 05:28 AM

I was out of town on a buisness trip this last week.

Oh, well, I guess it wasn't that deep and dark. ;) :D

Ginga 03-19-2005 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Katy Jane
I convinced my brother to go to Nemesis in theaters with me by telling him that Janeway was going to be in it.

Your brother is awesome!

MaverickZer0 03-19-2005 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
Fire Emblem currently owns my soul.

Maaaaaaarth! XD

What? Oh no, I meant Fire Emblem V. The closest I get to Marth and Roy is Roy's father Eliwood.

....Plus there's fire mage-ness. Of DOOM.

Ginga 03-19-2005 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by MaverickZer0

Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by MaverickZer0
Fire Emblem currently owns my soul.

Maaaaaaarth! XD

What? Oh no, I meant Fire Emblem V. The closest I get to Marth and Roy is Roy's father Eliwood.

....Plus there's fire mage-ness. Of DOOM.

Ack. I don't know that one at all.

Katy Jane 03-19-2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by Katy Jane
I convinced my brother to go to Nemesis in theaters with me by telling him that Janeway was going to be in it.

Your brother is awesome!

sometimes ;)

Brother: I will NOT sit throught a startrek movie in the theater.
Me: Janeway's going to be in it.
Brother: Ok!

Ofcourse i didn't bother to mention that is was just a quick cameo. he looked over me after the scean and wispered "Thats it?!" :p

Alexia 03-19-2005 06:32 PM

*feels the need to deeply and darkly confess*

I like Stargate and Atlantis a whole lot more than Enterprise, and although I was a little sad it got cancelled, I got over it pretty quick :wink:

The only character on ENT I really like is Porthos. I like all of them, but he is the best one :D

I've never seen a full TOS epidode.

I liked Threshold when it aired...and still do, depite obvious plot, um, issues :wink: *facepalms*

NeoMatrix 03-20-2005 05:20 AM

I think we need to take a poll to see who likes the Threshold episode. To be honest, I liked it, and still do. Good make up job

Alexia 03-20-2005 11:23 AM

Heee *votes yes*

Back to deep darks...a large amount of the time I would rather make icons than see real people :shock: :lol:

Vedra 03-20-2005 07:35 PM

Hmm...confessions, eh?

At first, I only watched Voyager so I could look at Tom. For some reason, I just thought he was so damn sexy. I also used to think he was dating Harry and that one day Janeway was going to call him a rice queen and it would be the funniest moment in Trek ever....but alas, my dream was never realized.

I enjoyed most of the Star Trek books I've read. Battle Lines was a particularly good Voyager one.

Um....what else...

Ooh, I used to wish Picard and Riker could change places, I always thought he'd make a better captain. And did anyone else notice that there's like....NOBODY attractive on TNG? I mean, I guess Deanna wasn't that bad...and Riker....but in general, even with costars, all the men and even the women are all really sort of blah.

I used to build ST ship models....but not to mount and show off, I would play with them....

I actually haven't watched Voyager or any Star Trek since Voyager ended, except for an episode of TNG on Spike TV once in a while.

I've been pissed at Star Trek and Paramount because of the completely UNREASONABLE price of the Star Trek dvd sets. 100 bucks, I might pay that for a set of an entire SERIES, but certainly not one season.

Alexia 03-20-2005 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tarn-Vedra
And did anyone else notice that there's like....NOBODY attractive on TNG? I mean, I guess Deanna wasn't that bad...and Riker....but in general, even with costars, all the men and even the women are all really sort of blah.

Oh really?!

Rests case.

Gates is tres pretty, and certainly has gorgeous eyes. Although, I was very put off by the fact that she supposedly spawned Wesley...and she was a little too thin */picky*

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