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NeoMatrix 02-28-2005 11:06 PM

Sorry, someone already made that wish ahead of you. You will have to pick a number and wait in a long line of eternity.

I wish that someday we can all meet up with our friends and our fellow forumgoers in a dreamworld, so we can have fun eating pie while we sleep.

Hotaru 02-28-2005 11:40 PM

We all meet up in our dreams and eat pie, but the pie tastes bad!

I wish I had an ostrich farm.

richardson 03-01-2005 12:54 AM

You get it, but your ostriches peck you to death. Ouch.

I wish I had all the money in the world.

Hotaru 03-01-2005 01:27 AM

You get all the money in the world, yet have nothing to spend it on.

I wish that Ichi would stop being so hyper.

NeoMatrix 03-01-2005 06:41 AM

Ichy will become dull, and it will annoy you until you become hyper yourself.

I wish my that my wishes don't come true

Opium 03-01-2005 07:49 AM

Your wishes don't come true, but all the things you really don't want to happen instead.

I wish I was a professional costume designer for famous hot Hollywood movies.

Chancellor Valium 03-01-2005 01:02 PM

You are a pro costume designer in Holywood, but your designing costumes for CLEANERS!

Ginga 03-02-2005 12:59 AM

Valium actually made a wish, but it was too hard for us to un-wish, and he killed the game.


I wish I had the conclusion to Gateways NOW. Holy cow, I need it NOW. Now now now now now. I can't believe *ANTI-SPOILER SHIELD ACTIVATED!* that ______ went and ______ through the ______ ______ ______

And the SOUP! :D

Oh, _________! You can be so awesomely crazy sometimes! I still can't believe you went ___________ through ____ _______!

richardson 03-02-2005 01:05 AM

you get the conclusion, but it sucks.

I wish I had a sig-kitty

Ginga 03-02-2005 01:07 AM

You get a sig-kitty, but it kills you as soon as you put it in your sig.

I wish that I didn't have sore teeth right now.

richardson 03-02-2005 01:10 AM

you have no teeth at all.

I wish my hair would make up it's mind whether to fall out or stay.

NeoMatrix 03-02-2005 02:27 AM

You are Captain Kirk, and you lost your toupee

I wish that there was no spoon

richardson 03-02-2005 02:30 AM

there is no spoons, but lots of sporks attack. ouch. metal ones.

I wish I had a spork army

Xeroc 03-02-2005 04:37 AM

You have a spork army, but you end up "conquering" some pie that gives all your troops food poisoning.

I wish [this program I'm writing] ran faster.

MaverickZer0 03-02-2005 04:49 AM

It does, but it runs too fast and your computer explodes.

I wish I could play Minesweeper on my '95.

NeoMatrix 03-02-2005 05:28 AM

You can, but when you hit a bomb, your computer blows up

I wish I wasn't so bored

Rayinne 03-02-2005 08:40 AM

You aren't bored because now the Borg have assimilated you, and they don't have such a concept.

I wish to be able to time travel.

NeoMatrix 03-02-2005 02:08 PM

You do, but you keep running into Admiral Janeway wherever you go.

I wish Spring will get here quicker

PointyHairedJedi 03-02-2005 08:53 PM

Spring is sprung
The grass is riz
Global Warming will make your eyes go fizz.

I literally wish I literally had a nickel for literally every time someone literally uses "litterally" in a sentence.

NeoMatrix 03-02-2005 09:37 PM

You do, but people stop saying it

I wish I can think of another wish

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