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NAHTMMM 01-18-2005 11:03 PM

For the Morpheus scene, so far:

Option 1: 2 votes
Option 2: 1 vote
Option 3: 4 votes
Option 4: 2 votes

In addition, Standback and possibly JobeGDG think we should include the "Knock knock" part of the Neo block. That's 1 (or 2) out of 8 who want to include that so far.

While the "knock knock" bit is undeniably funny (8)), I suspect the fiver is long enough already. I'm against including that bit. YMMV.

PointyHairedJedi 01-21-2005 11:16 PM

My votes remain the same, after some ponderation.

NAHTMMM 02-12-2005 05:42 PM

So it looks like the final version of this block will be:


Neo: I'd like a Morpheus To Go, please.
Guard: Sorry, we're out of bagels.
Neo: But your ad campaign...
Guard: False advertising. Whatcha gonna do, kill us all?

Smith: Look, would you two just leave us alone so I can rant at Morpheus about how much I hate this place?
Brown and Jones: Eh?
Smith: Er, I mean, go fetch the Comfy Chair.
Brown: GASP! Use the Comfy Chair before using the Cushions? We've never done it that way before!
Smith: Good idea. Fetch both. That ought to give me enough time.

And we could use a few votes regarding whether to include

Trinity: Knock knock.
Guard: Who's there?
Trinity: A pair of heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room.
Guard: Two heavily armed people who are about to run roughshod over everybody in the room who?
Trinity: Sigh. He's even more clueless than you are.
Neo: Er, thanks, I think.
As I said above, it's funny, but I think this is getting a little too long to include it (unfortunately). But that's just my opinion.
Currently only one or two people have voted in favor of it (as opposed to one against), so there hasn't been enough interest shown to justify including it. Yet.

Standback 02-13-2005 11:16 AM

In retrospect, putting in the "knock knock" block in addition makes absolutely no sense, it covers the same scene as "Morpheus to Go". In fact, I'm not at all sure I wanted *both* those blocks to begin with. I might have just listed my favorites.

New blocks, Zeke? Please pretty please? :D

Chancellor Valium 02-13-2005 09:12 PM

I like morpheus v2. But only because I hate Barney the Dinosaur.

NAHTMMM 02-14-2005 02:52 AM

Morpheus scene:

#1: 2
#2: 2
#3: 4
#4: 2

Any more votes out there?

Zeke 02-23-2005 11:04 AM

We seem to have consensus, so this block is belatedly closed.

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