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PointyHairedJedi 07-18-2004 10:21 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Heck, I've not even mentioned the likes of The Squid, Things Are Good or Merlin Missy.[/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 07-18-2004 10:27 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Them too. Gone for a very, very long time. :([/color:post_uid0]

Hotaru 07-19-2004 01:28 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]but you got new people, like me![/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 07-19-2004 01:39 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Merlin Missy's still around -- I read her LiveJournal. Don't know about Squid or TAG, though.[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 07-19-2004 03:05 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]They got lost in all the Topic Title like posts. I'm halfway there to joining them. :p[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 07-19-2004 09:52 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]MM has an LJ? Wow - I've never felt compelled to go and look for one before. :p

Thinking waay back to when I first joined there was the likes of SimonBob, MPQ and Velvet Gecko. Crikey, it has been a long time...[/color:post_uid0]

Katy Jane 07-19-2004 10:00 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Yeah Cele, at one point i thought you were a goner too. But you're still hanging on, :D

It's nice to have new people, but it would be nice if the older ones stuck around too. :( Its hard for me to Imagin that there was a time when i almost stoped posting. :o[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 07-19-2004 10:16 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Hard to believe too that there was a time when catalina [i:post_uid0]hadn't[/i:post_uid0] started posting. :p[/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 07-19-2004 11:24 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I actually did stop posting at one point. Or well, I'm actually not sure I posted before that, but I did register.[/color:post_uid0]

Katy Jane 07-19-2004 11:24 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Just think how boreing and empty your life must have been. :p[/color:post_uid0]

taya17 07-19-2004 11:26 PM

[quote:post_uid0="PointyHairedJedi"][color=#000000:post_uid0]Hard to believe too that there was a time when catalina [i:post_uid0]hadn't[/i:post_uid0] started posting. :p[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]"Three years ago I didn't even know your name... today I can't imagine a day without you."


catalina_marina 07-19-2004 11:58 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Oh shut up will you. :eyeroll:


Celeste 07-20-2004 01:30 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]^_^ I check the forums a couple times a day. Don't read the topic title stuff though.[/color:post_uid0]

admiral sab 07-20-2004 01:36 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]yeah I still remember a day when there was no one posting because there were no forums!

*hears crickets chirping* what? Am I the only one?! ;)

Actually I don't remember any of the people you are talking about because I used to just check the news section daily or check the homepage...I didn't really look in the forums, even though I was registered. Then the forums changed and I didn't know I had to re-register and looks like this is happening again![/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 07-20-2004 08:29 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well at least now you do know you have to reregister.

Now let's see if I can get to 5000 posts before the end of the forums. :p[/color:post_uid0]

Opium 07-20-2004 09:11 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]I like this board system a lot, although more emoticons would be great!

And please please please save one-by-one, answer-question, top-ten, this-or-that and person above you threads! Please? :cry:[/color:post_uid0]

Nan 07-20-2004 05:52 PM

[color=#000F22:post_uid0]Seems the common thread seems to be:

some thread archiving

I'd like to see some good evil smilies, myself.[/color:post_uid0]

Draknek 07-20-2004 08:12 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]My memory could be playing with me here, as it's been well over a year now, but at the previous forum, wasn't Celeste the undisputed leader in posts?[/color:post_uid0]

Katy Jane 07-21-2004 12:15 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Not undisputed, Sax actualy passed her at one point. I think i still have a copy of the BaW fiver they wrote for the occasion somewhere.[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 07-21-2004 10:24 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="Katy Jane"]Just think how boreing and empty your life must have been. :p[/quote:post_uid0]
[quote:post_uid0="taya17"]"Three years ago I didn't even know your name... today I can't imagine a day without you."


*[i:post_uid0]Thwaps KJ and 17 over and over and over again[/i:post_uid0]*

Now, since you're both clearly delusional, might I recommend some... Dried Frog Pills? :D[/color:post_uid0]

Alexia 07-21-2004 03:00 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Wow, it's hard to believe that I actually registered [i:post_uid0]before[/i:post_uid0] Cat [b:post_uid0]and[/b:post_uid0] 17...imagine, that WHOLE TIME I could have been posting, and didn't. What was i thinking![/color:post_uid0]

NeoMatrix 07-21-2004 08:10 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]What about me? I have a high post count too. Actually, to have a high post count like cat, you would have to take more time out of your day to be online.[/color:post_uid0]

Celeste 07-21-2004 09:27 PM

[quote:post_uid0="Katy Jane"][color=#000000:post_uid0]Not undisputed, Sax actualy passed her at one point. I think i still have a copy of the BaW fiver they wrote for the occasion somewhere.[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]Aye, Sax passed me, but I regained the title a short time later. We celebrated the event with a BaW fiver. Though those were lost when the forums crashed a while back. :\[/color:post_uid0]

taya17 07-21-2004 11:25 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]*shoots PHJ with inch-long iron nails*

Are you recommending a frog to take Dried Frog Pills? Lord, PHJ, you're even more sadistic than I originally thought.

*continues shooting the nails into PHJ*[/color:post_uid0]

Nan 07-22-2004 12:07 AM

[color=#000F22:post_uid0]I would say it's more encouraging cannibalism than sadism.[/color:post_uid0]

Katy Jane 07-22-2004 01:27 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]*Thwaps PHJ very hard*

Or maybe i'll just sit back and let the master take careof it. :D[/color:post_uid0]

taya17 07-22-2004 01:53 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid1]<font size = "+4">[b:post_uid1]BWAA HA HA HA HA![/b:post_uid1]</font>

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Why does this board have a cap on the number of smileys we can put in each post? WHY?[/color:post_uid1]

Celeste 07-22-2004 12:36 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Just a guess here.. but. .maybe cause it'd get annoying? :P ::Shrug:: hehe[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 07-22-2004 02:24 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]17, Annoying? Sure you jest, madam. :D

You know, I'm starting to undstand how John must feel...[/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 07-22-2004 03:16 PM

[quote:post_uid0="taya17"][color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="PointyHairedJedi"]Hard to believe too that there was a time when catalina [i:post_uid0]hadn't[/i:post_uid0] started posting. :p[/quote:post_uid0]
"Three years ago I didn't even know your name... today I can't imagine a day without you."

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Who can? :D

[quote:post_uid0="Alexia"]Wow, it's hard to believe that I actually registered [i:post_uid0]before[/i:post_uid0] Cat [b:post_uid0]and[/b:post_uid0] 17...imagine, that WHOLE TIME I could have been posting, and didn't. What was i thinking![/quote:post_uid0]
Are you sure? I don't even know when I first registered...

[quote:post_uid0="NeoMatrix"]What about me? I have a high post count too. Actually, to have a high post count like cat, you would have to take more time out of your day to be online.[/quote:post_uid0]
Not necessarily. Sometimes I stay away for a whole day. ;)[/color:post_uid0]

Alexia 07-22-2004 03:24 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0][quote:post_uid0="catalina_marina"][quote:post_uid0="Alexia"]Wow, it's hard to believe that I actually registered [i:post_uid0]before[/i:post_uid0] Cat [b:post_uid0]and[/b:post_uid0] 17...imagine, that WHOLE TIME I could have been posting, and didn't. What was i thinking![/quote:post_uid0]
Are you sure? I don't even know when I first registered...[/quote:post_uid0]
Group: Members
Posts: 4047
Joined: May 2003

Yup, pretty sure :lol:[/color:post_uid0]

catalina_marina 07-22-2004 04:18 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]No, when I [i:post_uid0]first[/i:post_uid0] registered. ;)

I registered before that, you see. Before the Big Crash, but I'm not sure if I posted even once. :eyeroll:[/color:post_uid0]

Alexia 07-22-2004 04:57 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]OOOooooooooooooooh...i see :D

In that case...I have no clue :D :lol:[/color:post_uid0]

taya17 07-23-2004 03:20 AM

[quote:post_uid0="PointyHairedJedi"][color=#000000:post_uid0]17, Annoying? Sure you jest, madam. :D

You know, I'm starting to undstand how John must feel...[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]You're damned right.

*skewers Pointy to the wall by means of a rusty turnstile pike through the chest*[/color:post_uid0]

Zeke 07-23-2004 03:23 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Draknek! Good to see you. The Andromeda fivers still exist and I haven't forgotten them. One day soon, you will be Arzosah's hero.

A couple of points:

phpBB appears to have an ikonBoard database conversion utility. If it's what it's cracked up to be, we'll be able to keep the member and post data. I'll have to check with Charles, though -- a simple forum conversion might not fix the security gap. If it turns out we can't keep the data, I'll save the news threads and FBC, but I do [b:post_uid0]not[/b:post_uid0] intend to save anything in Miscellaneous. Anything you care about in there you'll have to save yourselves. I'll let you know as soon as I find out if the converter works.

Also, for the record, I did indeed notice Opium's new avatar. Touché. I'll change her title eventually, but for now I'll let her keep this minor victory.[/color:post_uid0]

Standback 07-23-2004 09:30 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Somebody please save the Top10 thread! Scooter, any chance of a version 2 of that pdf file?[/color:post_uid0]

taya17 07-23-2004 09:36 AM

[quote:post_uid0="Zeke"][color=#000000:post_uid0]phpBB appears to have an ikonBoard database conversion utility. If it's what it's cracked up to be, we'll be able to keep the member and post data. [/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]I do not have my fingers tightly crossed. I do, however, have them tightly gripped on this sharp pointy stick I'm pointing in the general direction of phpBB. [i:post_uid0][b:post_uid0]Now play nice![/b:post_uid0][/i:post_uid0]

Kidding, only kidding... I think. :laugh:[/color:post_uid0]

Alexia 07-23-2004 01:57 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Sorry to get back on topic, but I thought of another positive point that I like about the format of this board.

I like the 100 x 100 avvy size. I know you did a poll and found people liked it, so it would be a shame to lose it on the new boards system.

[quote:post_uid0]I do not have my fingers tightly crossed. I do, however, have them tightly gripped on this sharp pointy stick I'm pointing in the general direction of phpBB. Now play nice![/quote:post_uid0]

:lol: Carry on :D[/color:post_uid0]

PointyHairedJedi 07-23-2004 03:06 PM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well, it's one less sharp object she has pointed in my direction, which is always good.

Um, by the way, I think I might have slightly ruined the wallpaper. There seems to be blood all over it now. Can't think where [i:post_uid0]that[/i:post_uid0] came from....[/color:post_uid0]

Nic Corelli 07-23-2004 09:41 PM

[quote:post_uid0="Alexia"][color=#000000:post_uid0]I like the 100 x 100 avvy size. I know you did a poll and found people liked it, so it would be a shame to lose it on the new boards system.[/color:post_uid0][/quote:post_uid0]
[color=#000000:post_uid0]Absolutely. I also think it would be great if the new forum keeps the 100x100 avatar size.[/color:post_uid0]

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