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Anonymous 02-15-2005 01:07 PM

Can you officially take a blowdrier to 5MV? Just being unfrozen doesn't seem to be enough.

I really want a reason to keep checking here.

Wade, The Sane Commodore 02-16-2005 12:21 AM

Sigh, I pine for 5MV. You know, the good old days when content was at least weekly, updates were 'daily', and the whole damn place wasn't so depressing. I miss those days. Bring them back, Zeke. Or tell Kira to. Please. 5MV doesn't have to die with Enterprise.

Zeke 02-16-2005 03:56 AM

5MV is not dead; 5MV is not going to die. We were running before ENT and we'll keep running with or without it. I'm behind on updates -- what else is new? I'm more behind than usual, admittedly, but I'm finishing the big ENT update now. That update is the reason the site has remained frozen; I can justify posting other stuff before the VW conclusion, but not before dealing with the ENT news. As usual, I didn't expect it to take as long as it has.

I'm sorry you find the place depressing. Can you be more specific? Beyond the lack of updates, I'm not sure what you mean. I haven't been chipper in my posts lately, but that happens when your favourite series is cancelled.

admiral sab 02-16-2005 01:49 PM

yeah don't forget what that V stands for "Voyager". This site actually started with Voyager and it didn't go bye bye when Voyager did. It not only stuck around, but grew bigger and bigger and gained more popularity. 5MV isn't all about Enterprise so the cancellation of the show has little to do with the site's status right now. Well it might have a something to do with it. But instead of complaining, why don't we try to think positively and remind Zeke of why we come here. Why we love those fivers and why we want more. Let's try to encourage him during this time of sorrow. It's hard to be funny about a show when it's going off the air in it's prime. Zekey, I understand if you need some help. Let me know. And if you want to talk about the series ending, you know where to find me. Sigh.

Anonymous 02-16-2005 04:13 PM

It's been so long I've forgotten my password if I still have one. Haven't had much time for the boards lately. But I have been reading, and did think it was important to jump in with encouragement for Zeke. We still love you, lurkers and posters alike, and we're not gonna leave because of a measly 53 day drought. Although I may have to start coming back to these boards. You guys are probably the most fun people I ever met on the internet. Thanks for keeping the site alive, Zeke and staff, even without the shows. It's awesome.

Marill 02-16-2005 05:10 PM

Hurrah, time for me to rant.

I for one am disappointed about Voyager Week, but hey I have no right to complain or make harsh comments etc. I know exactly what's it like to fall behind, 2004 was a pretty crappy year for me and I didn't get as much work done as I might have liked to, I'm still trying to catch up with it all. It took me months to finish a fic, in the old days a fic would of been wrote in a few days but in the long run it's one of my best, it was worth the wait. Anyway like Zeke, I do what I do because I enjoy it.. it's a hobby, I don't get paid for it, heck I pay to do it.

Unfortunately for me, if I posted a news message like that I'd get one or two replies and the topic would die if I was lucky. That gets me down a lot, only a few people would care if I stopped just today if I decided to. On those few days where I do get something done, I do feel good about it.. and on those days where I don't and I promised, I feel really bad for those people. I can't imagine the burden Zeke puts up with because of this as he's got so many more people to please. So please think, he only does it for a hobby, and by posting stuff like that, you're only going to make him feel worse, thus not making the job any easier or go quicker. Believe me, I do that to myself to make up for it.. I haven't had a single complaint like that, and at those times I try to rush through the things I have to, it makes it harder to do.

Sorry if I didn't make any sense here what so ever. Believe me, I'm disappointed about Voyager Week too.. I just had to get something off my chest. The people that I talk to who go to my site didn't give me any hassle or rush me, I think everyone here should do the same. Also sorry to offend anyone, I know most of you have been cool about it.

So ends the rant.

PointyHairedJedi 02-16-2005 10:10 PM

Holy crap! The Squid! There's a name I've not seen in quite a long time. I hope you do decide to become a regular poster again - it's not often we get to see old faces again once they disappear.

ijdgaf 02-17-2005 04:53 PM

If it will help turn any frowns in here upside down, I can assure people here that there is indeed plenty of content to be published in the near future. Separate from VOY week, too.

You all might want to look at the calendar, in any case.

(the IJD GAF publicity machine warps off at Ludicrous Speed!)

Chancellor Valium 02-17-2005 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Fuyu Ginga

Originally Posted by MaverickZer0



SEXUAL VIOLET! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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