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Nate the Great 11-15-2016 02:04 PM

The reason why Discovery isn't on broadcast TV.

To summarize:
* Sci-fi never succeeds on broadcast television. (except for all those sci-fi shows past and present that do succeed because they're actually good)
* It will bring subscribers to All Access. (no it won't)
* They want to have more profanity and sexuality. (i.e. pandering)

Another article rips these excuses apart as well.

Nate the Great 11-17-2016 01:45 AM

Never mind, I was being negative again.

Nate the Great 11-23-2016 01:59 AM

Michelle Yeoh announced as a cast member.

All I've seen her in is Tomorrow Never Dies and I thought she was fine, but that was twenty years ago.

I have no idea how much her acting style has changed, so we'll see.

Nate the Great 11-24-2016 01:50 AM

A recap of everything known so far and the current status of the show (including the Yeoh casting).

Nate the Great 01-01-2017 10:17 PM

More cast members known, as well as the placement in 2255.

NAHTMMM 01-27-2017 09:07 PM

People elsewhere are groaning about being sick and tired of Klingons. Personally, I think it'll still all come down to the execution.

Nate the Great 01-28-2017 10:13 AM

Discovery won't be ready for a May premiere

Also they've cast somebody as Sarek, and actual production on the show is only starting now.

Also supposedly the premiere date is flexible since the show is being broadcast on All Access. Oh yeah, it's not like you have to coordinate the broadcast of the pilot on CBS or anything (oh, wait...) and it's not like the show is the flagship of All Access (oh, wait...)

There is no official release date now

I am excited that Nicholas Meyer is involved.

The casting of a guy who studies fungus in space confuses me. Even if they've thought of sufficient story possibilities for this, it seems like a job focus that is too narrow for a starship. Maybe a planet that's covered in fungus that can be used for a practical purpose, but not a starship. Can't they just call him an exobotanist or something?

I'm getting concerned at the size of the cast. We've got officers from two ships, AND Sarek, AND three Klingons. I know that some of these will be recurring, but I just don't see the Deep Space Nine-style of balancing act even being attempted these days.

Nate the Great 01-30-2017 08:15 PM

Another recap of currently known information

Sarek is confirmed as a regular. Odd, because I never got the impression that Sarek spent huge amounts of time on starships, only using them as transport between assignments.

Nate the Great 01-31-2017 12:18 AM

Two more cast members.

I'm getting afraid now. How will the creators fit all of this into one-hour episodes?

A theory that when Discovery arrives, the rest of Trek will leave Netflix.

That'd be a shame and catastrophe.

Nate the Great 01-31-2017 06:12 PM

Discovery has a new logo, closer to the TOS one.

NAHTMMM 02-01-2017 04:21 PM

I like the new logo better.

A fungus guy is handy whenever you need to make puns. I bet he winds up delivering a lot of one-liners in firefights. ;)

Flying Gremlin 02-07-2017 08:17 PM

Maybe the fungus guy will be Egon.

Nate the Great 02-11-2017 11:01 PM

Leaked photo from the set.

If these are supposed to be Klingons, someone really messed up.

NAHTMMM 02-13-2017 08:14 PM

Yeah, I just hope there will be wigs attached to those brainspines.

Nate the Great 02-13-2017 08:29 PM

No, there's too much detail on the backs of the head to cover with a wig.

Nate the Great 02-14-2017 01:00 AM

Three more cast members.

Yikes, they'll never fit all of them in, will they?

Nate the Great 02-14-2017 02:26 PM

More cast members.

I refer you to one of the comments: "They started shooting 3 weeks ago and they're still casting people? This is gonna suck."

Nate the Great 02-15-2017 01:18 PM

10 "New" Things We Just Learned About Star Trek Discovery

Note that the quotation marks were added by me, as few of these qualify as "new." But if you want a roundup of the last month or so of news, you might as well click the link.

Flying Gremlin 02-28-2017 10:16 AM

Well, another delay means fall 2017.

Nate the Great 02-28-2017 07:21 PM

Yeah, I remember when I said that they should've just delayed it until fall and done it properly. I also remember speculating that if CBS All Access wasn't in the cards that's what they'd do.

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