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Asky 08-19-2004 09:25 PM

heh, I kinda agree with ya, Zeke

Nan 08-19-2004 11:16 PM

Elections here, elections at DC...


Hotaru 08-19-2004 11:23 PM

You should join in, Nan!

Now, just for the fun of it:
*pokes Nan*

catalina_marina 08-19-2004 11:59 PM


*Hides behind chair*

NAHTMMM 08-20-2004 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Hotaru
You should join in, Nan!

Now, just for the fun of it:
*pokes Nan*

Agh, too many jokes here to pick from...

*hides anyway*

Nan 08-20-2004 03:18 AM

Don't poke me, please. It's annoying.

Zeke 08-20-2004 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Xeroc
First I would set up an anti-B&B campain donation fund entitled "Anti-B&B campain donation fund" (never would have guessed would you?) and with the money generated I can run advertising for my campain to unseat B&B, and If that doesn't work, I'll hire an NBC assassin to take care of them.

In other words... just so we're clear on this... your first act on being elected would be to start a campaign to oust the people you've already ousted by getting elected.

You're in serious danger of losing the Vulcan vote.

Xeroc 08-20-2004 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke
In other words... just so we're clear on this... your first act on being elected would be to start a campaign to oust the people you've already ousted by getting elected.

You're in serious danger of losing the Vulcan vote.

No, First means before being elected, then I could use that money once I get elected (and for the ad campain / NBC assassin before I get elected)!

Sorry I wasn't clear on that.

But don't worry about me and the Vulcans - I have campain advisers working on an ad campain to be run specifically targed at people of logic, stoic demeanor, emotional detachment, and pointy ears.

antodav 08-20-2004 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke

Originally Posted by antodav
Since it's an integral part of my scheme to eventual galactic domination anyway, I too must throw my hat into the ring and run for ExecProd of the Star Trek franchise

Oh, GOD almighty....

Huh? Oh, I get it....yes, Zeke, now you finally seem to be getting the point. LOL

Your Lord and Savior,

Nan 08-20-2004 05:57 AM

To paraphrase Kirk: What kind of god needs to be elected?

<runs away>

Alexia 08-20-2004 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Xeroc
First I would set up an anti-B&B campain donation fund entitled "Anti-B&B campain donation fund"

Just what exactly do you guys have against bed and breakfasts? :wink: :twisted:

Hotaru 08-20-2004 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Alexia

Originally Posted by Xeroc
First I would set up an anti-B&B campain donation fund entitled "Anti-B&B campain donation fund"

Just what exactly do you guys have against bed and breakfasts? :wink: :twisted:

They don't serve Lunch!

I will acutally keep B&B around for awhile. Due to what I've seen on the show, I assume that they've never actually watched an episode. On my official website for Enterprise Ideas (In which fans are free to submit idea's, and even look at possible ideas for future shows and critique them) I will create a special page entitled, "Aren't you glad you didn't elect them back?" In which I relay all their crazy ideas. Seeing as they don't watch the show, they won't know they are just being made fun of.

I plan on focusing the series into developing things we already know. Such things as the Romulan War, and the creation of the Prime Directive are top of my list. So, as you go to the polls whenever, if you can, remember the 3 C's, and vote Hotaru!

In case anyone doesn't know, this was sponsored by me. Because, honestly, who would make an add campaign that supports their opposition? Did you expect me to say "Vote Xeroc, he's cool"? If you did, you're crazy.

catalina_marina 08-20-2004 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Hotaru
remember the 3 C's,

Er... Could you remind me? :roll:

PointyHairedJedi 08-20-2004 11:50 AM

I shall just have to assume that you've all been struck speechless by my sheer genius... :roll:

NAHTMMM 08-20-2004 02:13 PM

Oh, we have. ;)

Xeroc 08-20-2004 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Hotaru
In case anyone doesn't know, this was sponsored by me. Because, honestly, who would make an add campaign that supports their opposition? Did you expect me to say "Vote Xeroc, he's cool"? If you did, you're crazy.

The joke's on you - you did say "Vote Xeroc, he's cool"!

This message sponsored by the "Vote Xeroc!" Campain. This notice did not accept any soft-money contributions from international sources.

Hotaru 08-20-2004 07:53 PM

First off the 3 C's are "Continuity, Character, and Sensibility"

Secondly, Xeroc, you don't stand a chance against me! For I have the one thing you don't... a strong like of strange sitcoms! Wait... that's not right...

I don't know what I have over you, but I'll win.

I'm Hotaru and I approved this message. Vote for me, or else I will hijack every thread to talk about FFXI!

Asky 08-20-2004 08:08 PM

unless I win

Hotaru 08-20-2004 08:29 PM

But you won't win! Because I have unleashed my secret weapon...

My Yuna Avatar!

Alexia 08-20-2004 08:44 PM

It's cool. I like it 8)

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