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Sa'ar Chasm 03-23-2007 08:34 PM


Now, Sa'ar's method -- using expected values -- is very straightforward and it'll always tell you which die has the better chance of winning.
There's an even more straightforward method that tells you even less about probability: it's impossible to roll a 1 on 2d4.

Chancellor Valium 03-23-2007 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 72507)
As for the code, it's not impenetrable, it would just take time to figure out. If I <i>were</i> ever to hand the site over to someone else, I would help with that process first.

The main problem with the original translation was that it made us of several now-outdated translation theories put forward by E.A. Wallis Budge.

Hence the gibberish about "time into Ottawa is Zeke, webmaster"...

Nate the Great 03-23-2007 10:45 PM

Is there a reason why you guys haven't started a "Probability of RPG Dice" thread yet?


Zeke 03-23-2007 10:53 PM

Of course there's a reason: to annoy you.

AKAArzosah 03-23-2007 11:45 PM

Always a good reason.

Although, for the record, my brain hurts.

Nate the Great 03-24-2007 01:56 AM

You ain't alone, dude.

AKAArzosah 03-26-2007 04:08 AM


As for 'Random Fiver' why don't you just click somewhere on the front page at random? Or look up a news post from ages ago and click on any fiver that may be listed.

But PLEASE don't use that random gobbledegook about d4-something-something.

Nate the Great 03-26-2007 04:18 AM

What's wrong with dude? At least I don't use it as an all-purpose interjection, even in real life. "Duuuuuude." "DUDE!" "Dude?"

That would work only if every fiver had a link to the front page, and that would be a horrible idea. There's gotta be hundreds and hundreds of fivers by now, and that's a LOT of links to load every time.

AKAArzosah 03-26-2007 04:31 AM

I meant, click a series/whatever, then click another random one in that category.

Do you know what a 'dude' is?

Nate the Great 03-26-2007 05:25 AM

If you know a definition of "dude" other than "a colloquial/slang term for another person," I DON'T want to know it.

Uh, if it takes two clicks, it's not "random."

AKAArzosah 03-26-2007 05:32 AM

If it takes one click it's not random because it's probably influenced by your subconscious somehow, blah blah, psychobabble. How is two clicks any less random?

I don't know, I think the point everyone was trying to make is 'it's too hard right at the moment'. But I do agree, it is a really good idea.

I'm sure Zeke will put it on his 'soon' list.

AKAArzosah 03-26-2007 05:34 AM

Aaaagh, that was post 666 for me. Oh well, this thread is doomed. Sorry.

Sa'ar Chasm 03-26-2007 05:51 AM


But PLEASE don't use that random gobbledegook about d4-something-something.
It is *not* random gobbledegook.

It's pedantic, arcane, convoluted gobbledegook.

AKAArzosah 03-26-2007 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sa'ar Chasm (Post 72602)
It is *not* random gobbledegook.

It's pedantic, arcane, convoluted gobbledegook.

Pedantic, arcane, convoluted gobbledegook about making stuff RANDOM!

Hence, it is random gobbledegook. Insert a relevant latin phrase here.

Nate the Great 03-26-2007 06:07 AM

Oh, the "soon" list. There's a minefield waiting to be stepped on.

Sumus Quod Sumus.

AKAArzosah 03-26-2007 09:42 AM

Here's a question, how often do you use 'soon' meaning 'not soon' in your normal life, only to realise later that no one realises what you mean, and you look like an idiot. Because I do so quite regularly.

Nate the Great 03-26-2007 03:02 PM

The closest to that I ever come is "later." This is a little more understandable than "soon," because later doesn't really limit the promiser to anything at all. The end of time itself is "later," if you really think about it.

"When will now be then?" (or is it "When will then be now?" I'm never sure)

Sa'ar Chasm 03-26-2007 04:51 PM


Pedantic, arcane, convoluted gobbledegook about making stuff RANDOM!

Hence, it is random gobbledegook. Insert a relevant latin phrase here.
Curses, your logic is unassailable.

The Latin phrase you're looking for might be "pwned", but I try make a point of not talking like an illiterate 13-year-old.

Nate the Great 03-26-2007 06:18 PM

You mean you "try TO make" a point. Hey, if you make a post about grammatical correctness; you're gonna get slammed for typos. :)

Chancellor Valium 03-26-2007 06:49 PM

quanti est canicula ille in fenestra?

in res ceterorum, emas non quod opus est, sed quod necesse est. quod non opus est, asse carum est.

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