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Xeroc 03-11-2006 03:18 AM

of the five-legged carnivorous giant starfish.

Chancellor Valium 03-25-2006 08:34 PM

When Roscius here was in Ameria, while that

Chancellor Valium 02-13-2007 11:39 AM

starfish ate TopHatMan's lunch to stave off certain

NeoMatrix 06-15-2008 04:08 PM

redshirts with too many lines

Chancellor Valium 06-15-2008 04:28 PM

there was a sudden outbreak

NeoMatrix 06-29-2008 09:55 PM

of rednecks invading the star trek dominion

Chancellor Valium 09-06-2008 05:33 PM

of space, a confusingly named area, with nothing

NeoMatrix 04-03-2009 04:18 AM

on tv except reruns from Earth.

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