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Zeke 11-20-2014 10:36 PM

Thought I'd give someone else a chance to jump in, but nothing so far, so... let's try "Broken Bow" and "Fortunate Son".

Nate the Great 11-21-2014 02:27 AM

I have no clue beyond "probably Enterprise".

voyager0929 11-21-2014 07:12 AM

Okay hint: Hoshi's second away mission after she screamed at those corpses in Fight or Flight....and I'm embarrassed to use this as a hint but this episode I believe features the first threeway scene in the illustrious decon chamber...this time with Hoshi, T'Pol, and Reed...

Zeke 11-21-2014 09:44 AM

Ah, those hints were too big. "Sleeping Dogs". On the plus side, that threesome scene didn't have any actual activity -- the team was worn out from the away mission and we just saw them using the place like a sauna. Bad news for Phlox, good news for decency.

Next: "I'm trying to thread a needle with a sledgehammer!"

voyager0929 11-21-2014 09:39 PM

Oh ok..I thought it would be too big a hint if I just said the species was the I went with the threesome..I knoew there was no activity in that scene just said that to try to be cheeky :)..

As for your quote..that sounds a lot like ENT? Not sure the episode..feel like it's almost on the tip of my tongue....maybe that episode in season 4 where he transfers to Columbia and theyre trying to climb from one ship to the other before they explode or something..Divergence i think it was called?

Zeke 11-22-2014 12:23 AM

Nope. Wrong series.

evay 11-22-2014 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by voyager0929 (Post 80215)
As for your quote..that sounds a lot like ENT? Not sure the episode..feel like it's almost on the tip of my tongue....maybe that episode in season 4 where he transfers to Columbia and theyre trying to climb from one ship to the other before they explode or something..Divergence i think it was called?

Nope, Trip's major quote about that tool was in "Borderland" (also S4), when he shouted "We're gettin' hammered down here!" at which point I paused my TiVo and had hysterical laughing spasms for nearly 10 minutes. :D

Zeke 11-26-2014 11:56 PM

I'll reveal the answer tonight.

Sort of.

[ED: I did. If you haven't noticed yet, look around.]

voyager0929 11-30-2014 06:08 AM

Well since no one else has responded can I just say it was Spock's you posted the fiver for it the other night. ..And if you don't object can I post the next quote since I have several (I think) cool, memorable quotes I'm itching to try...This next one I'm sure we can all agree is one of the most profound, memorable, thought-provoking, soul-stirring quotes in all of Trek:

"What possible use could you make of my intestines?"


voyager0929 12-16-2014 06:34 AM

No takers? Not even Zeke? Need a hint?

evay 12-16-2014 12:09 PM

It sounds like someone is responding to a typically Klingon threat ("I'll rip out your intestines and wear them for a necklace!") with typically Vulcan or medical literalist dry humor. Probably not ENT. Maybe Holodoc to B'Elanna? McCoy on the outside? He could be quite snarky too.

Zeke 01-07-2015 10:44 PM

I'm with evay on both counts (what it sounds like, and having no idea beyond that). Hint?

voyager0929 01-12-2015 02:31 PM

My hint is that it is a response to a statement by an aggressive Klingon-like species but not also involves a hostage situation. And one of the two series you guessed, evay, is correct. Hope this helps.

evay 01-13-2015 01:04 AM

I had to Google it. I wouldn't have gotten that. Good one, though. I was right about the dry humor.

voyager0929 01-14-2015 01:56 PM

Thanks, I always liked it. You were right about a Klingon-like threat/ritual too. I'm gonna hold off for a bit to reveal the answer to see if Zeke or anyone else will try to guess.

Zeke 01-14-2015 09:43 PM

Hmm. "The Andorian Incident"?

voyager0929 01-15-2015 03:24 PM

Nope. Another hint..hopefully not too big: The hostage situation takes place on a ship belonging to the aggressive Klingon-ish species whose ship is adorned with various instruments/weapons used to get at said intestines..among other things

Flying Gremlin 07-10-2015 03:26 PM

Well, the species has to be Hirogen. And the person saying that has to be either Tuvok or Seven.

Crap... I forget the title... is it "Hunters"?

Nate the Great 05-01-2016 01:35 PM

*Puts on wig, starts chanting over a cauldron* Thread, arise! Arise!

So yeah, the quote was from Seven in "Hunters."

"What were you then?" "Younger, Captain. Much younger."

Flying Gremlin 05-18-2016 05:19 AM

Double, double, toil and trouble, Nate.

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