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LtFielding 12-29-2007 10:05 PM

I think it is a stupid thing to do, why not throw a random heavy object at everyone in alphabetical order? That seems more insulting and exciting.

Nate the Great 12-29-2007 10:43 PM

Well, what else is there for an imortal being to do once you're done getting rich and "outliving the heck out of everybody?" Not terribly much.

Wow, a cross-thread post! We don't get those everyday.

Nate the Great 12-29-2007 11:29 PM

40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection
It's a Wrap! Sale and Auction

Am I the only Trekkie in the world that feels uneasy about the mere existence of these auctions? Seriously, these objects are part of Trek history, it just seems wrong to me to put them on an auctioneer's block as though they were reposessed cars. I'd prefer items like these to either belong to the original actors associated with them or exist in some sort of Star Trek museum for the world to enjoy.

LtFielding 12-30-2007 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 75704)
40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection
It's a Wrap! Sale and Auction

Am I the only Trekkie in the world that feels uneasy about the mere existence of these auctions? Seriously, these objects are part of Trek history, it just seems wrong to me to put them on an auctioneer's block as though they were reposessed cars. I'd prefer items like these to either belong to the original actors associated with them or exist in some sort of Star Trek museum for the world to enjoy.

The problem is that Star Trek has a worldwide fan base so, it would be hard to put them in enough museums, and also a lot of the actors are dead.

Nate the Great 12-30-2007 12:48 AM

What, you wouldn't take a vacation to Trekburg to see a museum full of this stuff? I would.

LtFielding 12-30-2007 01:34 AM

Why isn't there a city dedicated to Star Trek?

Nate the Great 12-30-2007 02:13 AM

Beats me. Personally, I'd build it near Riverside, Iowa.

PointyHairedJedi 12-30-2007 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Nate the Great (Post 75704)
Am I the only Trekkie in the world that feels uneasy about the mere existence of these auctions? Seriously, these objects are part of Trek history, it just seems wrong to me to put them on an auctioneer's block as though they were reposessed cars. I'd prefer items like these to either belong to the original actors associated with them or exist in some sort of Star Trek museum for the world to enjoy.

If they can auction copies of the Magna Carta and Picassos and Rembrantds and such then I don't see why this mysterious they can't also auction bits of Trek history.

Also, I don't think mudshark was refering to you in his post, but rather making generalities. People do pick up on this kind of stuff - there are pages and pages on the web devoted to variants of Trek ships alone, trying to make them fit into continuity in what I can only describe as the sheerest, obscurist kind of conjecture. I love Trek, but even so I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist over some scaling problems of Oberth class which then must be hammered into a theory about there being two different sized versions of it, and then speculate on the differing capabilities and mission profiles of each. That's... pretty anal. And so, knowing all that, I don't doubt that there would be some pretty good hissy fits if the B5 models were to be recreated with the differences that would entail. At the very least, it would spawn websites full of detailed comparisons, enough to make your eyes bleed.

mudshark 12-30-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi (Post 75716)

Also, I don't think mudshark was refering to you in his post, but rather making generalities.

Quite right. Even at his most dizzyingly, blindingly, stupendously whatever-it-is, Nate has never (all by himself) constituted a community.


Originally Posted by PointyHairedJedi (Post 75716)
People do pick up on this kind of stuff - there are pages and pages on the web devoted to variants of Trek ships alone, trying to make them fit into continuity in what I can only describe as the sheerest, obscurist kind of conjecture. I love Trek, but even so I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist over some scaling problems of Oberth class which then must be hammered into a theory about there being two different sized versions of it, and then speculate on the differing capabilities and mission profiles of each. That's... pretty anal. And so, knowing all that, I don't doubt that there would be some pretty good hissy fits if the B5 models were to be recreated with the differences that would entail. At the very least, it would spawn websites full of detailed comparisons, enough to make your eyes bleed.

Nate, all of the above is exactly what I meant. Check out the TrekBBS "Future of Trek" and "Trek Technology" forums (or just about anything written by Dixon or Whettestone) for enough examples to put you off your lunch for the rest of your life, if not longer.

Nate the Great 12-30-2007 10:25 PM

Who are these people that would have a hissy fit? Personally, I feel no pity whatsoever for people that wouldn't want to see highdef B5 on a highdef TV when it's possible, hang the minutae.

So I'm obsessive. What else is new? Personally I prefer "passionate," but sometimes that's what's necessary.

Chancellor Valium 12-30-2007 10:57 PM

The kind of people who use the word 'fanboy' in cold blood while posting their thoughts on how WONDERFUL an episode of something is and doing-down all nay-sayers on an internet forum?

Nate the Great 01-02-2008 03:20 AM

What's so wrong with calling Jean Grey Marvel Girl? I mean, it's a little annoying to see X-Men Evolution episodes (and that's the tip of the iceberg) just saying "Jean" all the time. I mean, don't these people use codenames for a reason? If you can say Jean all the time to anybody, why do any of the others use codenames?

AKAArzosah 01-02-2008 10:21 AM

I think the answer to that is pretty clear. They do it to annoy you.

No wait, that's ME always only calling you Nate instead of by your 'full name'. :)

Ok well, I know nothing about the comics or the animated series or whatever, I've only seen the movies. In the movies, she's well known as a mutant so a codename would be pretty pointless, I don't know if it's the same in Evolution.

Nate the Great 01-02-2008 07:57 PM

Ugh. If the faculty at Xavier's school are well-known to be mutants, then why have codenames? Or uniforms? Or invisible jets under basketball courts?

Chancellor Valium 01-02-2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by AKAArzosah (Post 75736)
No wait, that's ME always only calling you Nate instead of by your 'full name'. :)

Actually, I do it too.

And inventing new nicknames for him.

Ain't that right, Gnat?

Nate the Great 01-03-2008 12:16 AM

Oooh, gnat. Never heard THAT one before. Ugh.

Chancellor Valium 01-03-2008 01:50 PM


@Arzosah: (I think Gnat's annoyed. :p )

Nate the Great 01-03-2008 07:02 PM

I'm so irked I'd almost (ALMOST) rather you go back to II. To coin a phrase: "I wouldn't mind so much if you turned me into a hawk or a lion. But always a repulsive little insect...

Sa'ar Chasm 01-03-2008 08:46 PM


Nate, all of the above is exactly what I meant. Check out the TrekBBS "Future of Trek" and "Trek Technology" forums (or just about anything written by Dixon or Whettestone) for enough examples to put you off your lunch for the rest of your life, if not longer.
I know James Dixon. I used to post in a Fidonet Echo that he frequented. His slavering hatred of James Okuda and everything he designed from TNG onwards is legendary. James considers anything that contradicts the FASA materials and the Starfleet Technical Manual that came out in the 70s to be non-canon. I've also seen him advance the theory that there were three different classes (or maybe it was just refits) of the TV series Enterprise, based on what the back of the nacelles looked like.

LtFielding 01-05-2008 04:04 PM

Why can't Truckee California change it's name slightly to a better name?

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