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The Five-Minute Discovery Subsite FAQ

by Zeke

Q: What is Five-Minute Discovery?

It's the subsite of FiveMinute.net dedi-- no, dedicated seems strong. This subsite is where our Star Trek: Discovery stuff goes. It's referred to by the abbreviation 5MDV. (See the main FiveMinute.net FAQ for information about the site as a whole.)

Q: Who's in charge?

The section head of 5MDV is Zeke. He adds new material periodically and handles any submissions to the subsite. You can contact him at zeke@fiveminute.net.

Q: Is 5MDV open for submissions?

Sure, why not? Just read through the Submissions FAQ.

Q: Why is the abbreviation 5MDV and not 5MDSC?

You'd have to ask my past self; I was actually writing 5MDSC in this update until I noticed I'd used 5MDV before. It is shorter, which is something we appreciate around here.

Q: The ship looks pretty good in the subsite logo. How is that possible?

Sheer luck and a little help from Reddit! It took a while, but I finally caught an angle from which Discovery actually looked okay. I then asked on /r/photoshoprequest for help removing the background, which has traditionally not been my strong suit. Unfortunately, I can no longer credit the person who did it, as he's deleted his comments.

Q: Who is context for?

I think you mean "whom".

Got a question you think should be in this FAQ? E-Mail it to Zeke.

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